
Souderton Area

Most know that the winter season is a time for selfless giving, but this year was especially magical at the Souderton Area High School.  In our supportive community, everyone is willing to help any families that are in need.  One of the charity events that occurred this December was a food drive that provided Souderton families delicious holiday meals.  Another event was a money collection to buy gift cards for the families.

In addition to the food drive and money collection, the Key Club put together a gift drive to deliver holiday joy to Souderton students.  The school nurses provide the club with a numbered list of the ages and genders of the kids, and members volunteer to buy gifts for one or more of the numbers.  The ages of the boys and girls ranged from four months to nineteen years old and no information was revealed that would distinguish them.  All of the families being helped by the gift drive had at least one child in our school and presents were collected for them and their siblings.  Thanks to our generous club members, all of the numbers were quickly taken.  This was particularly significant because this year’s list of 54 kids was longer than last year’s; there were even some extra presents when all was said and done!  On the fifteenth of December, the last of the wrapped gifts were collected by the Souderton Key Club’s Advisor, Alison Lindsay.  Fortunately, the drive was a great success!

Although the event exceeded all expectations, it could not have been executed successfully without the leadership of Key Club Treasurer, Megan Miller.  She competently took it upon herself to take charge of the operation.  Megan made sure that all of the numbers on the list were taken and then followed up by periodically reminding each member to bring in their gifts.  Finally, she hand delivered the fruits of her labor to the nurse’s office for distribution.  The Souderton Key Club is extremely lucky to have such a dedicated and involved officer.

The families helped by the winter charity events repaid the school’s compassion with gratitude.  One of the families wrote back: “Thank you so much for the wonderful outpouring of goodwill and for helping us get through the holiday season with your thoughtful donations of food and gifts.”  This Key Club is incredibly proud to have made such a wonderful impact on the community!

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